Digital Scholarship@Leiden

CDS Summer Training Week 2024

CDS Summer Training Week 2024

June 10-14, 2024

From June 10 to 14 2024, the Centre for Digital Scholarship (CDS) will hold a Summer Training week on research data, research software, open access publishing, and copyright. Anyone interested in these topics is invited to attend. Workshops will be aimed at researchers at any stage of their career and in any field.

CDS Summer Training Week Agenda

Monday, June 10
Open leermaterialen en EduSources
Hosted by: Peter Verhaar, Digital Scholarship Librarian at CDS and University Lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society

Register here:

Tuesday, June 11
10.00-12.00 at Leiden University Libraries, room 0.19
Copyright & Open Access for PhD's
What is copyright? How will it affect you as a PhD candidate and as a scholar, researcher, lecturer and author? What are your legal (open access) obligations towards Leiden University when graduating and depositing your thesis in the Leiden University Library? What is open access and the open access policy at Leiden University? How can you publish open access? This lecture will enable you to gain insight in the what, where and how of Copyright and Open Access so you will be able to avoid pitfalls and make full use of your rights and options as an author and scholar.
Training by: Erna Sattler & Michelle van den Berk, Digital Scholarship Librarians, CDS

Tuesday, June 11
16.00 - 18.00 at Leiden University Libraries, Centre for Digital Scholarship room 0.28
Open Doors at CDS: drinks and bites
Are you curious to find out who we are and what we do at the Centre for Digital Scholarship? Come join us for a chat and a drink in room 28 on the ground floor of the Library. We’ll have prepared an informal information session during this open house afternoon. Feel free to ask what you've always wanted to ask.
Hosted by: CDS team

Just walk in and join us at the Centre for Digital Scholarship, UBL room 0.28
You're welcome to register in advance so we have an idea how many people are coming:

Wednesday, June 12
10.00-11.30 at Leiden University Libraries, Grotius Room (2nd floor)
Pseudonomizing Data
In this session, you will learn about pseudonymizing data. There is often confusion about the difference between anonymizing and pseudonymizing data, and how to pseudonymize data in practice. This session will explain these differences and explore different approaches to and challenges with pseudonymizing data.
Trainer: Hannah DeLacey, CDS

Register here:

Wednesday, June 12
11.30-13.30 at Leiden University Libraries, Centre for Digital Scholarship room 0.28
Lunch session: meaningful sharing
In this lunch session, Thed van Leeuwen from CWTS will join us in a discussion on how we can improve our engagement with current Open Science practices. If we seek to use Open Science as a means towards greater scientific and societal impact, then we should also ask ourselves: 'how can we make sure that our audience can reuse and profit from our results?'

  • What is the best output to share with our academic peers
  • What is the best output to share with our societal partners, and those differ per research project, e.g.:
    • Communities studied in anthropological research;
    • Patients who are part of a medical trial;
    • Participants in interviews;
    • Collaborating members of the public.
  • When is the best moment to share
  • What do you share, and do you not share
  • What is the best outlet for this type of sharing

Guest talk by: Thed van Leeuwen, CWTS, Leiden University
Register here:

Wednesday, June 12
14.00-16.00 at Leiden University Libraries, Centre for Digital Scholarship room 0.28
LibTalk Open Access
For library employees
Our goal to get to 100% Open Access has almost been reached. Have we reached our objective? What could be the next steps into our journey to open responsible publishing? During this LibTalk for our UBL library colleagues we will dive into the world of scholarly communications with Thed van Leeuwen of the CWTS and explore the future of open publishing. Where do you think we will or should be going?
Guest talk by: Thed van Leeuwen, CWTS, Leiden University

Register here:

Thursday, June 13
10.00-11.30 online Teams meeting: join via the Summer Training Week Teams Environment
Connect&Discover: What can the European Open Science Cloud do for you?
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an initiative working towards a federated and open environment for research data and services. The aim is for researchers (as well as others) to be able to publish, find, and reuse data, tools, and services. The EOSC was initiated by the European Commission in 2015 and is being established over more than a decade through multiple consecutive and contemporaneous projects. It can therefore be confusing to know what the EOSC is and how it can be useful to you now and/or in the future. In this Connect & online event we hope to shed light on this. The EOSC and its current state will be introduced, and we will discuss how useful it currently is and how this could be further improved.
Talk by: Pascal Flohr, CDS

Register here:

Thursday, June 13
14.00-16.00 online Teams meeting: join via the Summer Training Week Teams Environment
FAIR implementation for Research Communities
While the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) principles have been around for a decade, it is only lately that tools and workflows for implementing them have trickled down to research communities beyond dedicated projects. In this workshop we will guide you through FAIR Implementation Profiles (FIPs) as a means for research communities to declare FAIR implementation choices (e.g. metadata standard) and show how these profiles are being used at Leiden University and beyond (e.g. European projects, funder developments).
Workshop by: Kristina Hettne, CDS and Alessa Gambardella, FWN, both GO FAIR Foundation Fellows 2024

Register here:

Friday, June 14
Interactive mapping
Hosted by: Peter Verhaar, Digital Scholarship Librarian at CDS and University Lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society

Register here:

Friday, June 14
14.00-16.00 at Leiden University Libraries, Centre for Digital Scholarship room 0.28 FAIRification Tutorial, consultation afterwards
While the academic and societal and benefits of FAIR data are becoming increasingly apparent, the very task of modelling, organising and structuring data sets in such a way that they comply with the FAIR principles is often experienced as challenging. This workshop, offered by the Centre for Digital Scholarship, explains the concrete steps that can be followed to enhance the FAIRness of research data. The workshop discusses the central concepts underlying linked data technology and outlines the main aspects of formats, vocabularies and storage solutions that can bolster the reusability and the transparency of data sets. During a practical section of the workshop, you will also be given the opportunity to apply the concepts that are discussed to a data set you are working on yourself. Experts on FAIR and on linked data will give you concrete advise on how to FAIRify your data.
Hosted by: Kristina Hettne and Peter Verhaar, CDS

Register here:

Friday, June 14
16.00-17.00 at Leiden University Libraries, Centre for Digital Scholarship room 0.28
Data & Drinks: Data Archiving
Depositing your research data in a data repository helps to make your data FAIR, enhances your visibility and trustworthiness as a researcher, and allows others to build upon your work. However, it can be a challenging endeavour if you don’t know where to start. In this session, we offer hands-on support with uploading your research data to a suitable data repository.
Hosted by: CDS team

Just walk in and join us at the Centre for Digital Scholarship, UBL room 0.28


For almost all session, please register here:

For Copyright & Open Access for PhD's, please send an email to: stating your name, faculty and institute. 

The LibTalk is for University Library colleagues, please send an email to

For any questions on the CDS Summer Training Week, contact