Digital Scholarship@Leiden

CDS Summer Training Week '23

CDS Summer Training Week '23

June 12-16, 2023

From June 12 to 16 2023, the Centre for Digital Scholarship (CDS) will hold a Summer Training week on research data, research software, open access publishing, and copyright. Anyone interested in these topics is invited to attend. Workshops will be aimed at researchers at any stage of their career and in any field.


Monday, June 12

Data Carpentry with R for Social Sciences and Humanities, Day 1
In collaboration with TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Leiden University, Data Carpentry develops and teaches workshops on the fundamental data skills needed to conduct research. Its target audience is researchers who have little to no prior computational experience, and its lessons are domain specific, building on learners' existing knowledge to enable them to quickly apply skills learned to their own research. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems.
9 - 17hr at Leiden University Library, room Vossius

Data & Software Management at CWTS
A discussion of emerging research data and software management practices at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies in Leiden University.
9 - 12hr at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)

Tuesday, June 13

Data Carpentry with R for Social Sciences and Humanities, Day 2
In collaboration with TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Leiden University.
9 - 17hr at Leiden University Library, room Vossius

Organising and Archiving Interview Data
Collecting interview data, often audio and/or video recordings, is a widely used method to generate or validate scientific claims. The issues that researchers deal with when handling interview data are related to this particular data type and are often domain agnostic. This session focusses on practical tips for collecting interview data, as well as for documenting the raw data and keep an overview of the various steps in the workflow while processing the data (e.g. transcription, anonymization). Finally, we will look into the possibilities of archiving interview data while taking into account any appropriate restrictions.
9 - 11hr at the Centre for Digital Scholarship, Leiden University Library and online: join via the Summer Training Week Teams Environment

Wednesday, June 14

Publishing Works Open Access
The CDS will host a session on significant issues and considerations for researchers on open access publishing and copyright. This session is for all researchers who seek understanding on how their research might be published in a more open manner.
9:30 - 11hr at the Centre for Digital Scholarship, Leiden University Library

How (and Why) to be Editors and Reviewers
The CDS Open Access team is joined by a publishing professionals to discuss the processes and motivations for the work that undergirds scholarly publishing.
14 - 16hr online: join via the Summer Training Week Teams Environment
Guest trainer Christian Schulz, lead editor of the journal Heliyon (Cell Press)

Thursday, June 15

Connect&Share: Licenses and Access Rights – How to Set the Appropriate Conditions for your Dataset
When depositing a dataset in a data repository, you as the depositor can set the appropriate conditions for further use of your dataset. By setting access rights, you can determine who can, and who cannot, access your dataset and under which conditions. Restrictions often follow from the type of data that the dataset contains, for example in the case of personal information. A license determines what others can do with your dataset, such as reuse it for future research. There are several types of licenses that each have slightly different specifications. In this session, we will discuss how access conditions and licensing are being handled in DANS’ data repository.
9:30 - 11hr Online: join via the Summer Training Week Teams Environment
Guest trainers Ricarda Braukmann and Valentijn Gilissen from DANS

Practical Pedagogical Techniques for hands-on workshops
In this workshop, we will teach you a few pedagogical techniques that will help you improve your training sessions. We will be teaching you, and you will be teaching each other about formative assessment, the use of inclusive language and engaging discourse. At the end of this training, you will know how to implement peer instruction, monitor student learning, use simple language and avoid jargon, and use analogies, personal stories, and/or humor to make content stick.
9:30 - 13hr at SURF in Utrecht
by Lieke de Boer, Community Manager, the Netherlands eScience Center; Mateusz Kuzak, Training Programme Lead, the Netherlands eScience Center; Kristina Hettne, Digital Scholarship Librarian, Leiden University Library.

Introduction to Automated Software Testing, NL-RSE
Automated testing is crucial for preventing bugs in code, and while it's widely used in industry, it's still on the rise in research contexts. In this meetup, Daan van Vugt, founder of Ignition Computing and Afterservice, will discuss testing approaches for research software and contrast them with a perspective from the SaaS world.
13 - 17hr at the Centre for Digital Scholarship, Leiden University Library

Friday, June 16

Programming in Python, Day 1
This course offers a basic and accessible introduction to programming in Python, aimed specifically at researchers and teachers without prior coding skills. This course will explain the core principles of programming using Python, including topics such as variables, data types and conditional execution (e.g., if X, then Y). You will be able to perform basic calculations, manipulate text and read from and write to files.
9:30 - 11hr at Leiden University Library, room Vossius

Wrap Up Social
An opportunity to share a relaxing moment with members of the CDS, enjoy a drink and snack, and discuss ways in which we can support digital scholarship together.
14hr - 17hr at the Centre for Digital Scholarship, Leiden University Library


Some sessions, namely those with links in the title above, require separate registration available at those links.

For questions on CDS Summer Training Week, contact