Introducing the Leiden University Data Network
A network will be established during 2019 by the Centre for Digital Scholarship to support Leiden University’s data stewards. Anyone at the university with a role or interest in supporting research data management is invited to register and participate.
Who are the data stewards and why do we need a network?
Many people across Leiden University have an interest in, or a responsibility for, good research data management (RDM) within their group, institute, or faculty. Some have ‘research data management’ in their job title or official responsibilities (those we may call a “data steward”), whilst others have simply an interest which might have developed into recognized expertise or an unofficial role. Most of these people currently work in relative isolation, yet in a blossoming area where rapid developments and the continuous emergence of new examples of best practice require engagement and discussion with others in the field.
In order to help Leiden University’s data stewards develop solutions to current challenges, stay abreast of new developments, and to give them a forum in which to discuss and share problems and results, a network will be established during 2019 by the Centre for Digital Scholarship (CDS). This network will be aimed at those with an official, or semi-official role in supporting RDM, but will also be open, during its emerging stages, to anyone at the university with an interest in RDM-related developments taking place at Leiden and beyond.

What will it mean to be a member of the network?
Network members will have access to a mailing list where they can contact each other and through which they can share news and information. Collaboration and discussion spaces will be set up to support developmental work, and the CDS will organise events to bring everyone together several times during the year. In between these network events, we anticipate that members will want to set up smaller discussion groups or working groups to focus on shared topics of interest and develop solutions together. Central coordination of these groups might therefore be needed so that everyone knows what’s going on and has an opportunity to take part or hear about results.
The network will thrive on the involvement of its members, so we anticipate that the CDS will help facilitate network activities, but those activities will be decided upon and driven mainly by the members themselves.
The first Convening Event is planned for 27 June 2019. During the afternoon, we want to help everyone get to know each other, discuss and share information on a topic of common interest, and collect suggestions about how the network could best operate.
A registration form is available to indicate interest in joining the network and attending the event.
The agenda for the Convening Event will be finalised after input from the participants, and a final registration form will then be made available at the beginning of June. We’re already looking forward to this event, and we’re wondering if our room in the library is going to be large enough!

The future
As the network will need to evolve as the Leiden RDM environment evolves, and as it will be developing in parallel to the Data Management Implementation Programme, we’ll seek regular feedback and guidance from network members on what’s working and what’s needed during 2019 – 2020.
News and reports will be shared through the Digital Scholarship @ Leiden blog so you can keep track of what’s happening here.

If you want to participate
If you would like to join the mailing list and consider taking a more active role in the Leiden University Data Network, fill out the registration form or get in touch with the CDS Data Management Team to find out more: