Tip 5: Request open access funding in your research proposal
When you wish to apply for funding, pay close attention to the requirements of your funder on Open Access publishing
This is one of the “Five tips to make 100% open access a reality” published daily during Open Access Week 2020.
Researchers who receive, or seek to apply for, funding for projects from large research funders such as NWO, ZonMW, and ERC, should pay close attention to the requirements on Open Access publishing set by those funders. Below, we list a quick overview.
It should also be noted that calls starting in 2021 will apply a renewed policy on Open Access that complies with Plan S. When you wish to apply for funding next year, you should pay close attention to the renewed requirements.
The good news is that Open Access is not just dealing with requirements: these funders will also support you with the financial resources needed to make Open Access practical. APC costs may be paid from the project grant if you include them in your planned project budget, so take care to do so. Also, make sure that you are also aware of the conditions that the funders set for reimbursement.
Last, but definitely not least, in order to stress the importance of Open Access for all types of publications, NWO has launched a funding instrument for Open Access to books. As we all know that the publication of a monograph takes a considerable amount of time, and may therefore go beyond the timespan of a project, this fund can also be use retrospectively.
- NWO Policy, https://www.nwo.nl/en/policies/open+science
- NWO Open Access books call, https://www.nwo.nl/en/funding/our-funding-instruments/sgw/open-access-books/open-access-books.html
- ZonMW Policy, https://www.zonmw.nl/fileadmin/zonmw/documenten/Gezondheidsbescherming/ZonMw_Open_Access_beleid.pdf
- ERC Guidelines, https://erc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/document/file/ERC_Open_Access_Guidelines-revised_feb_2016.pdf
- H2020 Policy, https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/open-science-open-access
- PlanS, https://www.coalition-s.org