Data sharing and the GDPR Working with personal data in compliance with EU privacy legislation may already be challenging by itself; when collaborating in consortium projects with partners from outside the University, it requires dedicated knowledge and attention. Michelle van den Berk • June 08, 2021
Tips for making open access books We look at seven different ways that academic authors at Leiden University have found to make their books open access, and pass on their tips. Saskia Woutersen Windhouwer • June 04, 2021
Leiden University Libraries & Elsevier Seminars on Reproducible Research: Wrap-up Seminar 3 The spreakers in the third session of the Leiden University Libraries & Elsevier seminars on Reproducible Research explained the concrete steps researchers can take to make their research reproducible. Peter Verhaar • May 17, 2021
FAIR data's cutting edge A three-point FAIRification framework was developed during the pandemic to pilot different ways of making COVID-19 data FAIR. Representatives from three cutting edge projects came to discuss with the Data Management Network the success of these, and the opportunities for new activities at Leiden. Joanne Yeomans and Kristina Hettne • May 06, 2021
Leiden University Libraries & Elsevier Seminars on Reproducible Research: Wrap-up Seminar 2 The second session of the Leiden University Libraries & Elsevier seminars on Reproducible Research discussed the phenomenon of reproducibility mainly on a conceptual level. As one of its central questions, the seminar examined the scope and the limits of the concept of reproducible research. Peter Verhaar • April 30, 2021
Leiden University Libraries & Elsevier Seminars on Reproducible Research: Wrap-up Seminar 1 The first seminar in the Leiden University Libraries & Elsevier seminars on Reproducible Research concentrated on the overall rationale of reproducible research. Peter Verhaar • April 23, 2021
Digital Skills and Thinking for the Humanities The first “Teach the Teachers workshop in Digital Skills and Thinking for the Humanities” was successfully delivered in January 2021. The workshop was a collaboration between the Leiden Centre for Digital Humanities and Leiden University Libraries’ Centre for Digital Scholarship. Peter Verhaar • March 31, 2021
Funders agree that great data management starts with a good plan Are you starting a new research project funded by NWO or ZonMW? From January 2021 onwards, you can use Leiden University’s template to write your data management plan. Fieke Schoots • February 05, 2021
Medieval palaeography: using IIIF in education Robert Stein uses a new online Medieval Palaeography platform to teach students to read medieval archival documents and to translate the Middle-dutch to modern Dutch. Ben Companjen • December 24, 2020