Open Up to Open Access On May 15th the VSNU, the association of universities in the Netherlands, kicked off a new Open Access awareness campaign titled 'Open Up to Open Access!' Why would that be of interest to you? Because there is a link between open access and impact. Mieneke van der Salm • May 18, 2017
InCites Trial at University Libraries Leiden Until July 29 2016, so roughly for the next fortnight, University Libraries Leiden are offering trial access to InCites, a research analytics platform created by Thompson Reuters. Mieneke van der Salm • July 14, 2016
Altmetrics don't equal social media One huge misconception about altmetrics seems to be that it is solely based on social media metrics. And while they are definitely a large part of what makes up an altmetric score, they are by no means the sole part or perhaps the most versatile. Mieneke van der Salm • June 14, 2016
101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication The 101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication research project is collecting data through a survey until February 10 2016. What exactly is this project about and why should you take the time to fill out the survey to help provide data? Mieneke van der Salm • January 12, 2016
Altmetrics as a discovery tool Last October I attended the 2:AM Altmetrics conference in Amsterdam. It was a fascinating day, where I met a number of interesting people and gained plenty of inspiration. This post is the first of a number that were inspired by it. Mieneke van der Salm • December 22, 2015
Gerard van Westen on Impactstory Impactstory is the altmetrics provider most focused on researchers. Gerard van Westen agreed to share his thoughts and experiences with the service. Mieneke van der Salm • March 24, 2015
Plumb your altmetrics data with Plum and PLoS Last week we looked at Impactstory, this week we finish off the overview of the main altmetrics providers on the market with a closer look at Plum Analytics and PLoS Article Level Metrics. Mieneke van der Salm • March 19, 2015
Let your research tell its story with Impactstory Impactstory is an altmetrics service aimed at authors and researchers, who want to monitor the altmetric scores for their own articles, datasets and other research products themselves. Mieneke van der Salm • March 12, 2015
Cui Computo? Altmetrics and the companies that score them In the past months, I've focussed on social media and scientific social networks, stressing how being active on there can help gain your work more exposure and increase its impact. But how do you then monitor this impact and what does it mean? Mieneke van der Salm • March 03, 2015